
This imprint serves as an imprint for corporate presence on social media like Facebook and Xing.

According to § 5 TMG:

Siebert + Knipschild GmbH engineering office for plastics technology
Bergstücken 25
22113 Oststeinbek bei Hamburg

Phone: + 49 (0)40 / 68 87 14 – 0
Fax: + 49 (0)40 / 68 87 14 – 99


Represented by:
Directors: Kay Siebert, Andreas Haacker

Companies location: Oststeinbek

Register entry: local court Lübeck HRB 3262RE

value added tax indentification number according to §27 a VAT Act
VAT ID: DE216348565

Photo credits: cover: Fotolia, career: Istockphoto,
Portrait photos Team and Team photos: Lichtbild-Studio Wohltorf,
Others: own photos

realisation of the website: