Accreditation at the DAKKS

The German Accreditation Body GmbH (DAkkS) is a national accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is the only national accreditation body that gives accreditations according to Verordnung (EG) Nr. 765 / 2008 and the Akkreditierungsstellengesetz (AkkStelleG). The Siebert + Knipschild GmbH is accredited as a testing laboratory and inspection body in the DAkkS Typ A according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 and DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020. Within the annual assessment through the MPA Hannover the normative requirement is monitored.

recognition through the DIBt
The DIBt is the german admission office for building products and designs. There, the Siebert + Knipschild GmbH is listed as an inspection body and a certification body.
Notification as a testing laboratory for EU-building products.
Next to the accreditation in der german accreditation body (DAkkS) is Siebert + Knipschild the notifications as an testing laboratory for building products according to the european norm EN45001 – EN ISO/IEC 17025. The notification is valid for prefabricated sewer pipes at the outside of buildings.
Recognition as a licensing body for the Federal Railway Authority
For the testing of components and products – for example in the external monitoring and internal monitoring of gratings for railway platforms – we are also recognised by the Federal Railway Authority as a monitoring and certification body through the recognition of the DIBt. For example, in the area of composite construction elements and glass-fibre reinforced plastics.
RSV membership

We have a membership in the pipelining rehabilitation association for more than 20 years. Since February 2017 Andreas Haacker is Siebert + Knipschilds director, as well as the association volunteer chairman. More information about the association: