We dispose an accreditation through the DAKKS for numerous building product examinations in the drainage area as well as our work as an inspection body. Furthermore we are find acceptance through the German Institut for Structual Engineering (DiBt). As one of ten companies nationwide we are listed as a third party reviewer for plastic landfill sealing trough the Federal Institute for material research and testing (BAM)
We are asked as experts through our neutral and independent work. We ensure clarity for manufacturer and users With analysis in relation with material composition and the mechanical characteristics – as a public sworn-in expert partly with legal proceedings.
In our Team arbeiten are working around 30 active engineers, technicians, inspectors as well as specialists that support and care about our clients and customer. Diversity is our daily life and we are happy to say that some employees are working with us for decades.
Our laboratory und the headquater are located in Oststeinbek on the eastern border to Hamburg. Our employees look after you on our other locations in Hamm (NRW) and Haar near Munich.
We present our experiences in numerous proved projects and ensure trust for the use of plastics in the building industry. We introduce our competence for quality assurance through the important committees that create sets of rules and quality norms – national and international.
We award good work: With the seal “End product pipe liner – tested quality” we annually award companies that have shown good work as an executing company in pipe lining for over a year.

Siebert + Knipschild was established in 1983 by the graduated engineer Rolf Siebert. († 2010).
Rolf Siebert belonged to the pioneers in the area of on-site plastic testing: He set up standards, that are still used today as a basis for sets of rules and norms, back then in the young CIPP industry. He passed on his competence to the next generation.
In the team of Siebert + Knipschild GmbH are working around 30 employees. Directors of the company are Kay Siebert and Andreas Haacker.